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E117 – Advanced Water Treatment by Membranes systems

The scarcity of traditional drinking water resources and the increase in demand for it has led in recent years to consider other sources of water, previously discarded, as a true resource that thanks to desalination allows to obtain reliably and competitive water for mouth, irrigation, etc.


This course offers a comprehensive understanding of advanced water treatment membrane technology.
In the first part, the fundamentals of water chemistry are analyzed. Then water pretreatment systems are presented before water trip to the membrane system.

In the second part of the course, special attention is paid to the treatment of water using membranes by reverse osmosis (RO) and to the procedures for post-treatment of water.

In the third part, attendees will be trained to use tools for the design of OI racks.

From the raw water conditions, and the product water quality parameters, attendees will be able to design a reverse osmosis system by themselves.

Who can benefit from this course?

The course is aimed for professionals in the field of design and operation of water demineralization plants
Chemical Engineers, Civil Engineers, Graduates in Environmental Sciences and other related training

.It is also interesting for professionals who are involved in the water treatment business as well as for those who seek to improve their knowledge in this area.


70 hours – 10 weeks


24/7 access


8 tests



The course has the following ENROLLMENT FEES

The registration fee is 100% returned by FUNDAE (only for Spanish companies)

We offer a discounted value for active employees.

You must provide unemployment registration or undergraduate status.

Course Director: Fco Javier NOVOA NUÑEZ – MsCivil Engineering

He has a professional background of more than 25 years in Project design and construction of Hydraulic and Water Treatment Works, and he has developed his career in Big Spanish Construction Groups.

Francisco has held various positions of responsibility in companies such as Necso, Infilco Española, Acciona Agua, Aqualia Infraestructuras (FCC Group)

Throughout his career, he has participated in several international projects and has managed Contracts under different sources of funding (Development Aid Financing / EU Structural Funds, etc.

+ info / enrollment

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